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In the ever-evolving field of plastic surgery, myths and misconceptions abound, often fueled by media portrayals, gossip, and outdated information. Dr. Som is committed to providing accurate, evidence-based information to help individuals make informed decisions about plastic surgery. This blog addresses and debunks some of the most widespread myths surrounding plastic surgery, shedding light on the realities of these procedures.

Myth 1: Plastic Surgery is Purely Cosmetic

Reality: While plastic surgery includes cosmetic procedures aimed at enhancing appearance, it also encompasses reconstructive surgeries. Reconstructive surgery is performed on abnormal structures of the body caused by congenital disabilities, developmental abnormalities, trauma, infection, tumors, or disease. It is generally done to improve function but may also be done to approximate a normal appearance.

Myth 2: Plastic Surgery is Only for Women

Reality: Plastic surgery is for anyone who needs or desires it, regardless of gender. Men also seek plastic surgery for both cosmetic and reconstructive purposes. Standard procedures among men include rhinoplasty, liposuction, eyelid surgery, and male breast reduction for gynecomastia. The goal is to help individuals feel confident in their appearance, not to adhere to gender-specific treatments.

Myth 3: Plastic Surgery Results are Immediate

Reality: While some results may be noticeable soon after surgery, the full benefits of most procedures do not emerge until the body has had time to heal fully. Swelling, bruising, and changes in tissue can affect the initial appearance. Final results may take several weeks to months to become apparent, depending on the procedure and individual healing processes.

Myth 4: Plastic Surgery Leaves No Scars

Reality: Any surgical procedure that involves incisions will leave some form of scar. However, plastic surgeons are skilled in placing incisions in less noticeable areas and using techniques that minimize scarring. Over time, most scars will fade significantly, although their visibility also depends on individual healing characteristics and proper post-operative care.

Myth 5: Plastic Surgery is Unsafe

Reality: As with any surgical procedure, plastic surgery carries risks. However, when performed by a qualified, board-certified plastic surgeon in an accredited facility, plastic surgery is generally safe. Surgeons conduct thorough pre-operative assessments to minimize risks, and advancements in technology and techniques have significantly improved safety outcomes.

Myth 6: Plastic Surgery is Only for the Wealthy

Reality: Plastic surgery has become more accessible to a broader demographic. Financing options, varying price points for different procedures, and the wide range of treatments available mean that people from various economic backgrounds are opting for surgery. Additionally, reconstructive procedures are often covered by health insurance, making necessary surgeries accessible to those who need them.

Myth 7: Recovery from Plastic Surgery is Extremely Painful

Reality: Pain and discomfort levels vary depending on the procedure and the patient’s pain tolerance. Modern pain management strategies effectively minimize discomfort during the recovery period. Most patients find post-operative pain manageable with prescribed medications and report that the outcomes of their surgeries were worth any temporary discomfort.


Understanding the realities of plastic surgery is crucial for anyone considering these procedures. Debunking common myths empowers individuals to make informed decisions based on facts, not fear or misinformation. Dr. Som emphasizes the importance of consultation and open dialogue with a qualified plastic surgeon to discuss expectations, potential risks, and the benefits of any procedure.

If you’re contemplating plastic surgery and seeking accurate information and expert guidance, Dr. Som is here to help. With a commitment to patient education and safety, Dr. Som can provide the clarity and support you need to navigate your plastic surgery journey confidently. Reach out today to schedule a consultation and take the first step toward achieving your aesthetic or reconstructive goals with the highest standard of care.

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