Every year BBL surgeries grow and trends keep rising. There are a ton of benefits when looking into a BBL procedure and people have dreamed of getting that Kim Kardashian style body for more than a decade and the secret is out. If you’re looking to enhance your look or fix a body deformity, then a BBL is something to look into. Brazilian Butt Lift has many benefits and below is a list of the 7 most amazing benefits of BBL. To lean what a BBL is, you can check our article on “what is a BBL” to learn more.
7 Benefits of BBL Plastic Surgery Include:
- Improve body symmetry
- Increase size and roundness of butt
- Immediate results
- Natural and Better Appearance
- Reduce fat in other parts of the body
- Confidence and Satisfaction
- Safest Form of Butt Enhancement
Improve Body Symmetry
With a BBL you will not only feel good but you will also benefit by looking good. Your body will be more symmetric and have a nice form that edges around your waist. Studies have shown that the more symmetrical bodies are, the more attractive our brain sees. The basis of a BBL plastic surgery is to remove unwanted fat from different parts of your body (mostly abdomen) and inject the same fat that you hold into the butt for better enhancement. There is a magical pill or outside medical injection, it’s taking your fat and relocating where it’s necessary for a better symmetry of the body and butt.
Increase Size and Roundness of Butt
The main reason anyone wants to undergo a BBL surgery is to improve the size and roundness of the behind. Not only do you receive improvements in the butt area, but you also lose fat from other parts of the body such as the abdomen. This fat is transferred and you will benefit in multiple areas with a BBL surgery. While improving the body’s proportions, you will receive a more rounded or hourglass figure. If you’re someone who is healthy and wants a natural look, you will benefit from a BBL surgery.
Immediate Results
One of the best benefits of a BBL is that you do not have to wait months for your desired figure. BBL surgery results are immediate and you can enjoy your new look as soon as your body heals. Instead of doing squats everyday and seeing no results, you will spend 2 hours in surgery and receive the best look of your life. The best thing about a BBL is that you only do it once and done, no more repeat visits for injections or changing implants like breasts.
Natural and Better Appearance
When you’re looking for a natural look and better appearance for the behind, you need a procedure that gives the best natural looking results. Having a fat transfer such as a BBL uses the person’s own fat and transfers to a new location of the body. Using unnatural fillers and butt implants can lead to future issues and the appearance may not be all that natural. The BBL is the only procedure recommended by plastic surgeons and has become a gold standard for butt enhancement surgery. Since only fat is used, you can do your daily exercises as usual and change the shape of your body accordingly.
Reduce Fat in Other Parts of the Body
When undergoing a BBL surgery, you will be needing fat deposits from another part of the body. This in turn will make you lose the unwanted fat from areas of the body such as the abdomen and create a better figure throughout. Areas that can be reduced in fat include the stomach, hips, thighs, and love handles. It truly is the best of both worlds as you lose fat in unwanted areas and inject it to the area that is needed.
Confidence and Satisfaction
Butt enhancements are a new trend and beauty has become even more promising. With everything going on, confidence and satisfaction of oneself can get even better with a BBL surgery. Patients after BBL can even wear the clothes they’ve been dreaming about and your new look will be an overnight success story. There are patients who undergo surgery because they did not have the advancements in plastic surgery in their youth and now they can get back looking like they are 10 years younger and attract attention like never before.
Safest Form of Butt Enhancement
When you’re looking for something natural and not involving insertion of foreign objects in your butt, a BBL is the way to go. Having a butt enhancement can be difficult, especially when you see reports of BBL surgeries gone wrong. Those who are eager to get a BBL and consider the lower cost may travel overseas to a plastic surgeon or go to a non-board certified surgeon in their area. Unfortunately, this is where problems arise. Additionally, your body is your image and it’s permanent, so why would you have a surgery that would cost your health by someone who you would not trust. Even though BBL is one of the leading natural butt enhancement surgeries out there, you should not let cost be a factor for your health. It’s important to do research and find the best board-certified plastic surgeon for your BBL surgery.
Are You Looking for a Brazilian Butt Lift in Los Angeles CA?
This article only mentions 7 of the best benefits of a BBL surgery and there are hundreds depending on your desire and figure. When looking for a BBL surgeon, you should always consider a board-certified plastic surgeon you personally trust after having a consultation. If you’re looking for a BBL surgery in the Los Angeles area, you do not need to search any further, as Doctor Som Plastic Surgery will take care of all BBL surgery questions and needs. Located in the heart of Beverly Hills, you will get the results you desire with your custom BBL surgery by Dr. Som and increase your confidence you’re looking for.